Inspiring story of a cancer survivor amputee female model (Photos)


For them, my scars represented the battles I won and my prosthetic has made me this cool cyborg chick. But don’t get me wrong, I have bad days. Some days I wake up and feel so discouraged and ask the universe why did this have to happen to me. Some days I get fed up with the stares and the questions

I’ve been able to find self-love in my hobbies, travels and exercise. Walking fast to catch a train just two minutes before departure, rock climbing, holding on to that last breath to complete a lap- these things make me appreciate my body’s endurance and my accomplishments. That appreciation is enough to love my body no matter what societydems as flaws

Ultimately, I’m able to feel pretty and be confident because I surround myself with people who make me feel as such. No one will ever be able to take these feelings away from me.

Credits: Mama Cax, JAG Models, Infong

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