Outrage as Ghanaian authorities stopped conference where Obi, Lumumba, Malema and Arikana were to speak (Videos)

There was outrage by the students and Ghanaian people as the Ghanaian authorities suddenly stopped the conference where Obi, Lumumba, Malema and Arikana were to speak as regards the African continent. An X (Twitter) user, Nefertiti @firstladyship posted the text and videos below to show how the students and the people of Ghana were so […]

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Nigeria’s Peter Obi joins Prof Lumumba from Kenya, Malema from South Africa, Dr. Arikana from Zimbabwe to speak at New Africa Foundation conference in Ghana

Former presidential candidate on the platform of Labour Party (LP) in the 2023 Nigerian general elections, on Sunday January 7, joined other notable and respected African voices like Prof. P. L. O Lumumba from Kenya, Dr. Arikana from Zimbabwe, and a host of others, at The Convention tagged: “Igniting The Voices of Africa,” organized by […]

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Buhari’s address at the 2018 NBA annual conference

Buhari’s address at the 2018 NBA annual conference “As you will recall, this administration’s emergence marked the first successful civilian transition in Nigeria’s democratic history, following the outcome of the 2015 General Elections. “Given the enormity of the challenges we inherited and the yearnings of a citizenry earnestly desirous of a new way of running […]

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