5 Ways To Have Foreplay With Your Woman All Day


5 Ways To Have Foreplay With Your Woman All Day

Posted by Tosin

Wives often share with me they need their men to be more conscious of them throughout the day, which would lead to the intimacy carrying on into the night. As men, we could do some things better that would keep her fire lit. We know that we have to deal with the kids, work, taking care of home, etc., but it’s our job as men to remind her just how beautiful and important she is and to be sincere about it. Here are a few ways we can give her foreplay throughout the day:

  1. Touch Everyone is not touchy-feely. This fact likely works to your advantage if you are not a “touchy” type of guy. Your woman will also know that you don’t like to touch. Therefore, when you make it a point to give her a hug each day or put your arm around her or something of that nature, she will understand you are reaching outside your comfort zone to engage her in this way. The amount of touch will vary, you want to learn what is comfortable to you and your partner. Touching her throughout the day and not just at night will help to keep the intimacy in your relationship.
  2. Compliment It’s important to give compliments to our ladies. We want to keep the compliments fresh and fun. I think we have probably all said “you look nice,” at some point, but let’s find ways to be specific and spontaneous with our compliments. One of the best compliments you can give is simply something specific that shows you are paying attention. “Love your new hairstyle,” or “your new dress fits you perfectly and it looks great on you,” are examples of compliments via paying attention.
  3. Flirt Implied compliments are fun and can often bring a smile to your woman’s face. An example of an implied compliment might be something like you see your woman sitting on the other side of the room and you walk up to her and ask her if she’s single, and you tell her how attractive she is and you ask her to dance. The more creative the compliment, the brighter her smile will be and it continues to build the intimacy in the relationship.
  4. Pamper Her I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have extremely busy days. We live in a hustle and bustle society which puts each and every one of us on the go from the time we wake up until the time we fall asleep and even then sometimes we dream about work! One of the best ways to alleviate some of the stress of the daily grind from your woman is to find a way to pamper her. Every day doesn’t have to be a spa day (though I’m sure some ladies out there would be down for that), but we can find other ways to make her relax.
  5. Service Something as simple as giving her a nice foot massage, neck rub, or hand massage can help her to relax. Most of us take showers and assume baths are for relaxation, so prepare a bath for her. Light some aromatherapy candles, as many women love nice scents. A creative pamper might include a scalp massage or actually being her “personal bather.” These are pampering ideas couples can do at home, no extra cost necessary and it adds to the daily foreplay that every woman needs. (Information Nigeria, blackandmarriedwithkids.com)

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