6 natural home remedies to tighten your v*gina in 7 days


Your s*x life can begin to get boring and unexciting due to problems like vaginal looseness. As well as reducing sensation during intercourse, women with this problem almost always struggle with low self esteem. Pregnancy and childbirth are the primary trigger for a stretched vagina.

The pelvic floor is almost the same as a trampoline, since it can stretch when something passes down on it. However, unlike a trampoline pelvic floor carries weight for a very long period, as it does during pregnancy, the muscles can become loose.

Pregnancy alone can overstretch your pelvic floor, even if you do not go on to have a natural childbirth. During birth, your pelvic floor stretches to allow the baby’s head to come out of the womb, and through the vagina.

Other causes of loose vagina include:

  •  Frequent lifting of heavy items
  • Regular intense exercise
  • Previous pelvic trauma
  • Menopause
  • Chronic back pain
  • Frequent sneezing or coughing
  • Frequent constipation

In this article, we will give you tips on how to tighten naturally.

1. Squatting

By performing squats, you would instantaneously and naturally regain gain that lost tightness. A body squat, as easy as it may sound is amongst the most common exercises which a majority of people perform improperly.

To do squats correctly, simply stand with your feet outside of hip width, position your toes out about 30 degrees and ensure your feet are level. First, break at the hips then pretend that you want to sit onto the bench. Coming back up, it is important to push through your heel as this will prevent you from coming up on to your toes.

Much like the kegel exercises, doing squats is not only for toning your buttocks but also works on enhancing your vaginal muscles making it more firm.

 2. Kegel Exercises

These exercises have been proven to effectively help women regain their lost tightness. First, you need to locate the correct muscles and the simplest way to locate these muscles is to stop urinating during midstream.

If successful, you’ve found the appropriate muscle group. Once you have identified the pelvic floor muscles, empty the bladder and lie on your back. Now, squeeze your pelvic floor muscles and hold the contraction for a few seconds.

To achieve positive results, you need to focus specifically on the pelvic floor muscles. Try to avoid the clenching of the abdomen, thighs, and butt at the same time.

3. A Natural Diet

One of the most effective methods of tightening your vagina is through nutritional help. A healthy diet will strengthen your pelvic floor. Feed your pelvic muscle correctly on a daily basis to ensure its proper repair.

Consume foods that are high in natural estrogens which are found in  pomegranates, soyabeans and its products, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, fruits, berries and apples.

A well-planned diet will go a long way towards keeping your inner muscles strong and healthy.

4. Hygiene Methods

Another effective tip on how to tighten vagina at home is to use hygiene methods on a daily basis. For example, when you take a bath, you had better clean yourself with care.

You can use a soft cleanser to gently rinse and clean your vagina. There are some products like herbal soaps that you can use when taking bath. Remember to opt for the products that are recommended for the loose vagina.

5. When Having Sex, Keep Your Legs Closed To Each Other

This is actually a useful tip on how to tighten vagina naturally that you should know and follow for good. You should follow this tip when you are making love. Try to keep your legs closed to each other.

6. Use Vitamin E

Many women do not know the fact that vitamin E is a moisturizer to treat vaginal dryness easily and effectively. Besides, vitamin E also helps to make your vaginal walls healthier and stronger if applied correctly.

Source and Photo: Fabwoman

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