Nigeria lady says her greatest regret in life is believing in Jesus Christ (Photos)


A Nigerian female traditionalist has shared online what she considers to be her greatest regrets in life. She sees ever going to church and believing in Jesus Christ as part of the regrets.

She wrote,

“My greatest regret in life was 1: Ever going to church 2: Ever rejecting my root 3: Ever believing that there is a mansion up there for me oh please 4: Ever believing that there is a man up there that will someday come and take me 5: Ever believing in your Jesus Christ 6: Ever believing that Oku Mmuo is hell fire, how can hell fire be Oku Mmuo ? All brainwash”

My greatest regret in life are:

1: Ever going to church
2: Ever rejecting my root
3: Ever believing that there is a mansion up there for me oh please
4: Ever believing that there is a man up there that will someday come and take me
5: Ever believing in your Jesus Christ
6: Ever believing that Oku Mmuo is hell fire, how can hell fire be Oku Mmuo ?
All brainwash

1 thought on “Nigeria lady says her greatest regret in life is believing in Jesus Christ (Photos)

  1. What you just entered into now will be the beginning of your sorrow. Many who were there and had terrible deep experiences found it hard to extricate themselves, and here you are doubting Life and choosing ruins. Tradition does not end in spiritism and witchcraft. Where are the values and norms you and your forebears knew as an Igbo? Why did your tradition permit of selling others into slavery, human ritual, sorcery and wickedness for which many of your relations are suffering today? What supplanted such good and ideal qualities of Igbo people such as respect for honesty, dignity and sanctity of human life, leaving the people with insatiable crave for wealth, determination to carry out abominations with impunity? Was not the height of what you are plunging yourself into practiced by your great ancestors but were they not defeated by the colonizers weapons and taken captive? Perhaps you do not realize that so many have gone around the world and amassed pantheons of deities from different nations including your worthless gods, and these are the people before whom you want to stand? I know a White man in North America who has almost all the deities of the Yorubaland but he is always going to hospital. If you have the grace to read my response, note the day you read it so that when your reverses start you would remember that some personality wrote you. If you will not be left in a lurch, if you will not be thrown into an open sea to swim to nowhere, if I have not been there and back, I would not tell you to rethink your decision before it is late. Let’s hope you will have sufficient grace like some of us. When you begin to fight to ascend to power echelons and realize you must kill your fellows or sacrifice human in order to attain the level you crave or remain a booty of those who were ahead of you then would you realize that the law of jungle is real and only Christ Jesus is the True wisdom you may never have. I pray that God’s grace be extended upon you In Jesus Name

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